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Staffing Your Startup: Five Types of People to Hire

people to hire at your startup

By Phil Cohen

Your dream has become a reality — you own your very own startup. Now, it just needs to be staffed. Hiring for a startup is definitely stress-inducing. You made this business, but you must trust other people to help run it. There is no such thing as a perfect employee. But there are certain types of people who thrive in certain environments. These five types of people are the kind that will flourish at your startup — and garner growth while they’re at it.

Recruit these employees for your startup:

1. The young innovator

The young innovator is most likely a college graduate that understands internet culture. They’re ambitious, fresh and ready to put their skills to use. Because this is most likely their first job, you’re controlling their impression of the workforce. Make it a good one and watch the young innovator blossom in your business. What they might lack in experience, they make up for in morale. Hire them for your startup — they’re going to work hard and expect little in return if you treat them well. Use this team member as a creative force, internet mogul or as a low-budget marketing expert.

2. The seasoned professional

Hiring the seasoned professional for your startup is a no-brainer. Your new business needs someone that can navigate a business in the right direction. The seasoned professional will take work personally. They want some respect, so placing them in a leadership role is your best bet. Let them lead the sales team, front office or marketing department. They have experience — use it.

3. The jack-of-all-trades

Hiring this type of employee for your startup requires some dedication. The jack-of-all-trades knows a little bit of everything, which is great for covering your bases. Do they make videos? Do they know how to use Google Analytics? Wonderful. Allow them to use their plethora of skills to put your new business on the map. Just make sure when you give them the OK to start a new project, you require them to monitor how it is impacting your company. Your startup needs their wide range of skills, but you need results too.

4. The learn-it-all

The opposite of the jack-of-all-trades type is the learn-it-all. They’re someone that can digest and implement information extremely well. The learn-it-all isn’t as independent as the jack-of-all-trades. Ask this startup employee to research and execute a certain marketing strategy that your startup hasn’t mastered yet. As long as you give this person the time and incentive to do it, you’ll have an incredible marketing strategy in no time at all. They’re going to require a bit of guidance but hiring a learn-it-all for your startup is an investment that can definitely pay off.

5. The first mate

You need someone you can trust with the company when you’re not there — that’s why you hire the first mate. They’re the most important person your startup will recruit. The first mate is going to treat the business like it’s their own, put in long hours and be loyal to your startup. Leading meetings? Sure. Taking the wheel while you go on a much-needed vacation? They’ll watch the shop. Be careful with who you choose for this position. Your first mate needs to be committed to the startup enough that they won’t find another career when times get rough.

There is no such thing as a perfect team.

You and your startup are going to have to pick the employees you think will work best for your business. These five personalities might not be what your startup is recruiting for, and that’s okay. There is no such thing as a perfect team when it comes to staffing agencies, startups or businesses in general. This list is designed to get your company thinking of your ideal team. Whether you’re hiring just a few people or a few hundred, knowing what sort of person your startup is looking for helps make the hiring process easier.

In the same vein, it’s key to know what your startup is looking for in a business factor. It may be something you never have to use, but it is something your business should be considering as a startup.

Factoring allows startups to:

  • Grow by providing them with cash advances on their account receivables.
  • Access their money fast — funds can be provided in as little as 24 hours.
  • Receive their money without going into debt or requiring collateral.

Businesses need the right people and right amount of money to grow and change — make sure your startup is covered.

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